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Bishop MonktonC of E Primary School

Woodland Explorers

Thank you to everyone who came to woodland warriors on a Tuesday night. From making dens, using tools, lighting your own fires and roasting marsh mallows you learnt so much! The highlight  has to be making your own giant swing! I just stood back and watched you in awe! 

Woodland warriors - Tuesday night club. Thank you for coming we had a great time.



Woodland Wednesday- Whittling, digging and hammocks!

Woodland Wednesday- Dens, sawing and creating a new veg bed!

We had a great time learning to light fires safely with flints and cooking popcorn on the open fire.

Our last Woodland adventure this half term! Fire and popcorn

Another great woodland group. We cut sticks and learnt to fasten four sticks together to create a frame.

Our first Woodland Wednesday after school club- using a wood saws and making wood faces with drills!

Spring 2020: Owls class exploring habitats in the woodland area

Spring 2019

This time in the woodland area Wrens have been looking at texture. We wrapped different materials around the trees, feeling the texture and how they differ from each other, and the tree's surface. When we had time to explore Mrs Cottrell found two frogs, the children were fascinated seeing them. Many went to see what other life they could find under the logs and stones.

Autumn 2018

Wrens have been exploring the woodland area, looking at signs of autumn. We have looked at the colours of leaves, and coloured our leaf pictures and decorated autumn leaves with things we have found. We have explored the whole area and enjoy walking through the willow tunnel. We have looked under stones and wooden stumps to see what insects we can find, and talked about the leaves and feathers that are on the ground. I wonder what we will do next time.......
