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Bishop MonktonC of E Primary School

Learning outside the classroom

Learning outside the classroom


At Bishop Monkton we value learning outside the classroom. This can take many forms, from re-enacting a Roman battle out on the school field to traveling to France to immerse ourselves in the French language and culture. On site, for our younger pupils, we have a woodland exploration area which encourages both physical and emotional development. For older children we are able to broaden their horizons.


The curriculum is enriched through visits to places that enhance the children’s understanding. Each class plan to make one excursion further afield per academic year and also invite one visitor in to school. In addition to this there is the whole school visit to the pantomime at Harrogate Theatre.


On a biennial basis (either Year 3 or 4) children will go to an activity centre, such as Robin Wood in Alston, for a 3-day residential visit.


In Year 5 children have the opportunity to go to Le Touquet in France for a 4-day residential visit.

Our Year 6 children go to East Barnby Outdoor Centre where they enjoy a 5-day residential visit.


In order for parents to plan ahead these are the approximate financial implications for these activities.

Class excursion (one per year) - £20.00

Invited visitor in to school (one per year) - £5.00

Annual Pantomime trip - £20.00

Year 3 or 4 residential to Activity Centre – £300.00

Year 5 residential to France - £500.00

Year 6 residential to East Barnby – £500.00

Year 6 leavers trip - decided by the class children and children - upto £25 (Coach kindly funded by FOBMS)

All activities are invoiced through ParentPay. The school is always happy to work with parents over financial matters so please do talk, in confidence, to the Headteacher should there be any concerns over payments. For residential trips payments can be made in instalments over the academic year.
