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Bishop MonktonC of E Primary School


Investigating irreversible changes in materials- we baked bread and discussed how the ingredients couldn't be returned to their original state as there had been a chemical change. We varied the amount of sugar used to test what effect this would have on the bread!

Investigating thermal insulators- we tested out different materials to see which would make the best insulator for hot drinks. We measured the temperature of hot water over 20 minutes to find a pattern.

Working scientifically- we dropped different sized rocks into flour/cocoa powder to see how moon craters are formed. We measured the ejecta rays and depth of each creator, and recorded our results in a table.

We loved our trip to Lime Tree Planetarium to support our learning of the solar system!

We used balls to represent the planets and moved around the sun to demonstrate how the solar system works!

Kestrels presented their work on the solar system in small groups.
