If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
The Governing Body follows all general regulations and guidance with regard to admissions as issued by North Yorkshire L.E.A. Responsibility for making arrangements for admission and appeals rests with the L.E.A.
Legally children must begin statutory schooling after the term in which they become five years of age. However if parents wish children may begin to attend this school prior to that date. Children may be admitted to full time education in the September of the academic year in which they become five years old. Where needed a flexible arrangement will be planned by the school in consultation with the parents having regard to the maturity of the child and the numbers and composition of the Early Years class. It must be emphasised however that it will be entirely up to the individual parents as to whether they wish to take part in the early admission arrangements offered by the school.
All reception children will be offered the opportunity to take part in pre-school visits in the summer term of the academic year prior to that in which they become five.
At present the schools maximum admission number into the reception age group for September 2024 as set at the discretion of the governors is 15. In the first instance places will be offered to pupils who live within the designated area of the school as defined by the L.E.A. After which children with siblings attending the school from outside the designated area will be admitted. Then distance from the school will become the next factor for consideration. All applications have to be made through the area office.
Very occasionally individual cases of special need, on social or medical grounds, for earlier admission (as approved by the L.E.A.) may be considered. These instances will be rare and will occur as the result of special arrangements negotiated between the L.E.A. and the Governing Body of the school.
If places allow children other than reception may be admitted at anytime during the school year. Parents of such children from out of the catchment area will be advised to also visit their local school and to apply to the Harrogate Area Education Office if they wish to request admission to this school.
Admission will only be refused when it would prejudice the provision of efficient education and the efficient use of resources.
Children with a Statement of Special Educational Need naming this school will be admitted after consultation with the L.E.A.
All parents and children will be warmly invited to visit the school to meet staff and pupils. Appointments to visit during the school day may be made with the Headteacher, who will be able to discuss admission arrangements with parents.