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Bishop MonktonC of E Primary School


Science statement of intent

At Bishop Monkton school we aim to foster inquisitive, curious minds and to encourage children to explore, investigate and ask questions about life, our world and the universe. We are passionate about bringing Science alive for children through outdoor learning, investigations, Science days and trips and technology. It is our intent that children leave Bishop Monkton with a broad and deep understanding of key areas of Science. We also wish to promote the importance of asking thoughtful questions and being proactive in finding answers through investigation and exploration.


The Science curriculum encompasses the acquisition of knowledge and skills and aims to build on children's understanding year on year as pupils move through the school. Key areas of learning are repeatedly and systematically revisited so that knowledge and understanding is embedded and children are given the opportunity to develop a range of skills. The curriculum covers all areas of the National Curriculum, as well as including some additional units based on pupils' interests. 



We have a whole school approach to the planning, teaching and assessment of Science. This includes:

- following the long term plan to ensure coverage

-using knowledge mats to guide planning and ensure depth of learning

-using start and end of unit assessments to help plan next steps

-planning in meaningful investigations 

-embedding working scientifically skills into planning and learning



Our curriculum and approach to Science results in a fun, engaging, high-quality science education, that provides children with the foundations for understanding the world. Our focus on meaningful investigations, trips and outdoor learning opportunities ensures that children learn through varied and first hand experiences of the world around them.  Through well planned and resourced lessons, workshops, trips and focus days children have the understanding that science has changed our lives and that it is vital to the world’s future prosperity.




Long term plan 2024 -2025

Kites and Kestrels visit Lime Tree Farm observatory

Outdoor learning in Science. We like to get outdoors as much as possible in our Science lesson. Here are some photos of the year 2 and 3 children exploring and building habitats in our woodland area.

Science afternoon 2023! All classes did some chemistry experiments using different ingredients to make potions or slime. KS2 then experimented with physics, designing and building a vessel to protect and egg when dropped from height.

Outdoor learning in Science: each class uses our woodland area to explore habitats, and species of plants and animals who live there.


Owls Class enjoyed their school trip to Harlow Carr Gardens. While we were there, we explored different habitats and collected evidence to show what the habitats were like and what lived there. We also looked at lots of different types of plants and investigated similarities and differences between different plants. We especially liked the edible plants in the vegetable garden and had a go at sketching our favourites. 
