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Bishop MonktonC of E Primary School


World Mental Health Day 10th October 2024

Roald Dahl Day 17th September 2024

A great day for all the children and staffs wellbeing, we took part in Roald Dahl day with lots of different activities.


The best day ever!

I loved decorating my little pig biscuit…then I got to eat it.




A Parent's Guide to the Zones of Regulation


The Zones of Regulation is an internationally renowned intervention which helps children to manage difficult emotions, known as "self-regulation".

Self regulation can go by many names such as "emotional regulation", "self control", "impulse management" and "self management".  Self regulation is best described as the best state of alertness for a situation, or the ability to maintain a well regulated emotional state to cope with everyday stress and to be most available for learning and interacting.

From time to time, all of us (including adults) find it hard to manage strong feelings such as worry, anger, restlessness, fear or tiredness, and this stops us from getting on with our day effectively.  Children who feel these emotions often find it hard to learn and concentrate in school.

The Zones of Regulation aims to teach children strategies to help them to identify their emotions and cope with these feelings so they can get back to feeling calm and ready to learn.  These coping strategies are called "self regulation".



At Bishop Monkton, we want to teach ALL of our children good coping and regulation strategies so they can help themselves when they experience anxiety and stress.  Each class is taught about to the zones and uses them in the most age-appropriate way.


Using the Zones of Regulation as a Framework, we aim to help our children to:

  • Recognise when they are in the different Zones and learn how to change or stay in the Zone they are in.
  • Increase their emotional vocabulary so they can explain how they are feeling.
  • Recognise when other people are in different  Zones, thus developing better empathy.
  • Develop an insight into what might make them move into the different Zones.
  • Understand that emotions, sensory experiences such as lack of sleep or hunger and their environment might influence which Zone they are in.
  • Develop problem-solving skills and resillence.
  • Identify a range of calming and altering strategies that support them (known as their personal "toolkit").

What are the different Zones?


So, what are the zones?  There are 4 coloured zones to categorise states of alertness and emotional states:-

  • The Blue Zone - used to describe low states of alertness, (such as feeling sad, tired, sick or bored. Body/brain is moving sluggishly)

  • The Green Zone - used to describe a regulated state of alertness (such as feeling calm, happy, focussed or content).  This Zone is generally needed for school work, being social and ready to learn.  It shows control.

  • The Yellow Zone - used to describe a heightened state of alertness, but with some control (such as when experiencing stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, silliness, nervousness, confusing) - slightly elevated emotions (being fidgety, wiggly, squirmy or sensory seeking).  The person is starting to lose control.

  • The Red Zone - used to describe extremely heightened states of alertness or very intense feelings (such as feeling anger, rage and explosive behaviour, panic, terror or elation).  Not being in control of one's own body.

You can remember the Zones by using a traffic light system.


Like traffic signs;

    Blue = "rest area where you pull over as you are tired and need to recharge".  


         Green = the person is "good to go".  


      Yellow = "caution, slow down or take warning".


           Red = "stop and regain control".




Important note -  No zone is "bad" or "good" and we all experience them at one time or another.  It is important to avoid reinforcing the idea that red=bad.  Often we see with our children that they will indicated they're in the green zone, even if they're not.

It is important to validate all emotions, and we should be helping our children to identify these emotions.

Tools and Strategies for Regulation


There are multiple tools and strategies that our children can use to self-regulate - and they will be individual to each child.  However, it may be useful to think about the types of activities that will help our children to regulate in each zone.



  • Think about what you might do as an adult to make you feel better when you are sad, tired or bored.
  • This might include talking to a trusted person, breathing, taking a break and relaxing, doing a hobby or importantly, doing some physical exercise.
  • These exercises should wake up our bodies, recharge and activate our senses and regain our focus.  Examples may include: taking a walk, doing some active movement (think jumping, bouncing or swinging).


  • Think about the strategies you or your child uses to maintain your happiness, alertness in the activity you are engaging in, and calmness.
  • This may include all of the activities mentioned above, and also pay attention to the environment your child is in - is it safe, calm and enabling of engagement?.


  • When you see your child starting to become heightened, fidgety, over-excited or unfocussed - try to introduce the following calming strategies to prevent an escalation into the Red Zone (or out of control)

    Deep Breathing - finger breathing or lazy 8 breathing


    Proprioception exercises - wall push ups, chair push ups or palm pushes






    Talk to an adult





    Go to a calm area


    Take a walk




    Use sensory aids - theraputty, stress ball,  theraband, vibrating tools

    Deep pressure - shoulder massage, bear hug, weighted items.


  • Once in the Red Zone, your child will more than likely need to be removed form the situation/setting, and it is encouraged that they go to an environment that is calming and safe.
  • Calming strategies that "power down" the emotions your child is feeling can be practiced here.  These include: deep breathing, deep pressure - heavy work activities, sensory activities - sensory aids, theraputty, stress balls, vibrating snakes etc., Taking a walk in a quiet place or going to a quiet area and dark area (pillow fort/dark tent).
  • Minimise your language when your child is in the Red Zone - be clear, concise and calm in your tone.

How can you help your child use The Zones of Regulation at home?


  • Model and identify your own feelings using Zones language in front of your child e.g. "I'm frustrated.  I think I am in the Yellow Zone".
  • Observe your child's behaviour and try to use strategies when they are showing signs of being in the Yellow Zone, to catch it before they move to the Red Zone.
  • Practice calming strategies when your child is in the Green Zone.  This may include doing some deep breathing/meditation/heavy work and sensory activities throughout the day.
  • Talk about what tools you will use to be in the appropriate Zone e.g. "I need to take four deep breaths to help me get back to the Green Zone".
  • At times, wonder which Zone your child is in.  Or, discuss which Zone a character in a film/book might be in e.g. "You look sleepy.  Are you in the Blue Zone?".
  • Share how their behaviour is affecting your Zone.  For example, if they are in the Green Zone, you would comment that their behaviour is also helping you feel happy/go into the Green Zone.
  • Put up and reference the Zones visuals and tools in your home to consistently refer to and check in regularly with this.
  • Praise and encourage your child when they share which Zone they are in.
  • Develop your child's own Zones of Regulation tool box - using the exercises above.
  • Have easy access to calming/sensory equipment at home.
  • Remember to monitor your language - usually less is best (minimal in the Red Zone),

Tips for helping your child to regulate


  • Know yourself and how you react in difficult situations before dealing with your child's behaviours.


  • Know your child's sensory threshold.  We all process sensory information differently and it impacts our reactivity to situations.


  • Know your child's triggers.


  • Be consistent in managing your child's behaviour and use the same language you use at home.


  • Empathise with your child and validate what they are feeling.


  • Have clear boundaries/routines and always follow through.


  • Do not deal with an angry, upset child when you are not yet calm yourself.


  • Discuss strategies for the next time when you are in a similar situation.


  • Remember to ask your child h ow their choices made you feel (empathy).


  • Praise your child for using strategies.  Encourage your child to take a sensory break to help regulate their bodies.


  • Create a "calm" box or "sensory box" full of things which help to keep your child calm and alert.



Where can I find out more about the Zones of  Regulation?


The Zones of Regulation App (Apple Store or Play Store)

At Bishop Monkton School we want our children to be healthy and happy so that they can flourish in everything they do. Sometimes children (and adults) need a little helping hand for this to happen, particularly when life seems very challenging. For this reason we have a Pastoral Lead in school - Mrs Amanda Coupland. Please use the resources below for yourselves and your children and do get in contact should you need someone to talk to  - we are here to listen.

Summer Wellbeing Challenges

Jenny's entry recipe for the ETTDT campaign....

Still image for this video

Eat Them To Defeat Them...

Still image for this video

Eat Them To Defeat Them - Feb 2024


Mrs Graham and I were really pleased to be selected to take part in this campaign "Eat Them To Defeat Them 2024".  We immediately started planning what we were going to do with the Julie from Tilda Rice and Julie's enthusiasm, support and help encouraged us to be creative in what we were going to do.   We are currently in the process of making the display area around the kitchen more eye catching and interesting and we are going to "jush" up the display board.  


The "Eat Them To Defeat Them" campaign started in 2018, as a way to encourage more children to eat and try a wider range of vegetables, especially in schools.   We already encourage children to bring a healthy snack in to school and children up to the end of Year 2 have a piece of fruit or vegetable offered to them everyday (School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme).  As well as Mrs Graham cooking up very nutritious food for us all to eat, each and every day in school.


During March, Mrs Graham will be cooking up a special rice dish for all the children, of which will be entered into a competition, watch this space...

Tilda rice visit promoting EAT THEM TO DEFEAT THEM!

Children's mental health week 5-11th February 2024


Myself and the wellbeing warriors put together a timetable of events for the whole school to take part.  We started on Monday 5th, with an assembly about the importance of children's mental health and that "their voice matters". 


Each class during the week, ensured they dedicated 20minutes each day to concentrate on activities that we know promote positive mental health.  Activities such as, yoga, mindfulness colouring, mindfulness painting, story time in the woodland area (yes, even despite the rain this took part), playing with bubbles, balloons, the parachute to name a few.  


On Tuesday 6th Feb, a lady called Jane from the "Bigfoot Arts Education" team came into school to carry out workshops with each class called "worries to wellbeing".  This was a very positive experience for all the children and staff.  Some of the ideas we are hoping to implement into school.

Wellbeing week across the school... more photos on class pages

Worry Box


Each class has a "worry box",  with note paper for children to write down any worries they may have.  Worry boxes are a safe way for your child to post their anxious thoughts, worries or feelings in a safe way.  It gives them control over sharing their worries to a trusted adult (Mrs Coupland) and it gives children a physical way of getting rid of their worries.


The "worry boxes" are checked at least twice a week by Mrs Coupland who will then act on them immediately.  If the child writes a worry anonymously, Mrs Coupland addresses the whole class and a chat/discussion around the worry will take place.  If a child writes their name on their worry, Mrs Coupland will speak to them individually.  


During the chat/discussion Mrs Coupland reassures the pupil that they are there to listen to them and offer comfort and support.  

Mental Health Day Oct 23 - some of the activities we did in school to help and promote our well being

Go-To, for help and support around

wellbeing and mental health for young

people in North Yorkshire.

North Yorkshire Mental Health

Services for young people

Support your child's emotional

wellbeing with these free resources

Mindfulness exercises

for children

5 ways to help yourself

to better wellbeing

Ten keys to happier living

Tips, advice and guidance around how

to keep active in and around your home

Supporting your child's

mental health

Advice and support for parents

and carers from the NSPCC

Online safety advice for

young children
