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Bishop MonktonC of E Primary School

School Values

Faith to Flourish

At Bishop Monkton Church of England School all children are valued equally.

We aim to establish a happy, caring atmosphere in which each child will have the opportunity to flourish, developing their own personality, talents and aptitudes.

We believe that learning should be stimulating, offering appropriate, quality learning through challenging experiences for all children whatever their ability and aptitude. Each child will be encouraged to achieve the highest possible standard in all aspects of their school work, and to reflect on their own personal achievements.

Governors and staff continually review policy and practice, seeking to improve the school, to ensure that a quality education is offered which is rooted in its Christian foundation.

Children are encouraged to respect each other's needs, and to care for each other. Each child is given opportunities to develop independence, to work with other children, to participate in team work, and to develop appropriate, caring social skills. Children are encouraged to reflect on their own behaviour and social skills. We aim to prepare our children to become responsible and respectful citizens in the wider world.  We do this by promoting our school's Christian values alongside British values, focusing on a different value each half-term. Please look at our section on Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural to see what this looks like in practice. 


Parents are welcomed in their role as partners in the education of their children and their support is valued in fulfilling these aims.
