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Bishop MonktonC of E Primary School

Whole school gallery

Year 3/4 Robin Wood April 2024

World Book Day - Eagles

Easter Service March 2024

World book day 2024 - Owls

We thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Simeon Wood and his Flute Emporium today in school. Simeon is a talented musician and had us all enthralled with his flute playing. Not only this, but he kept us entertained by playing a variety of handmade instruments! 


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30.11.23 Simeon Wood and his Flute Emporium



Harvest Festival September 2023

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Harvest Festival September 2023

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Harvest Festival 2023

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Harvest Festival at St John’s Church - September 2023

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Harvest Festival at St. John’s Church - September 2023

5.5.2023 Coronation Sculptures, cakes and a whole school sing song!

2.5.23 Whole School Mini Marathon 🚶🏻‍♀️

Winning eggs from Robins Class- Well done Max and Evelyn

Mr and Mrs Cowling added glitter to our day with’Strictly Get Dancing’. They were joined by wonderfully talented children. Such fun!

Herons and Owls music

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The children used the batons to make thunder.

Herons and Owls music

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Using batons.

Christingle Service in School led by Rev. Robb - 30/11/22

French Trip - Thursday 16th June - Au Marche

French Trip - June 2022 - Wednesday 15th June 2022 - Visit to Boulangerie Patisserie "Le Fournil"

French Trip - June 2022 - Tuesday 14th June 2022

French Trip - June 2022 - Monday 13th June 2022

Mrs Cowling's Quiz

How good at listening to adults in school are you?  Would you recognise some of the phrases they say?

Who says ...and now with the answers!

" Woof, woof, kerching, oh yeh!" - MRS HANDSLIP

"Quick-sticks!" - MRS WEST

"If you've got nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all!" - MRS CAIRNS

"Come in! Come in!" - MRS COWLING

"Stop patting me, I'm not a dog!" - MRS COUPLAND

"Good morning, Bishop Monkton Primary School." - MRS WORTHINGTON

"You're being a narna!" - MRS FILIPPI

"Please just try it, everyone is trying it today." - MRS GRAHAM

"Super-duper!" - MRS COUPLAND





Mrs Cowling's Quiz - ready for the answers?


1.  Ms Tobin

2.  Mrs di Silvestro

3.  Mrs Filippi

4.  Mrs Hartley

5.  Mrs Coupland

6.  Mrs Cairns

7.  Ms Riddler

8.  Mrs West

9.  Mrs MacDonald

10. Mrs Cowling

11. Mrs Handslip

12. Mrs Claughton


How well did you do?

Mrs Cowling's Quiz


How well do you know your teachers? Would you recognise them when they were at primary school?

Take a look and see how many faces you can guess....


Answers next week!

Wednesday 25/03/2020 - Kelly Kettle

Mrs Handslip brought her Kelly Kettle today. The children learnt how it is used, to heat water. Sticks were collected to keep the fire alight, and yummy hot chocolate made.....Mmmmmm



Wednesday 25/03/2020 - Rainbow for Bishop Monkton.....

Today the children made a rainbow for Bishop Monkton residents, to see as they pass the school. We hope it brings a smile to everyone during this difficult time!

Sports Relief 2020 - a sponsored DANCEATHON - all the children loved it including all the adults!

September 24th - Cycle day 

Unfortunately, the weather played a big part in us not being able to do our whole event.  However, teachers had planned some great activities for the day including; design a world championship t-shirt, acrostic poetry, baking “wheel” biscuits for the whole school.  The children estimated how many miles the whole school would complete    during the time trial.  Mrs Langham and Mrs MacDonald, braved the weather in the afternoon and took the children out to complete laps of the playground.  Each class gave out prizes for different activities. All in all a great day.

May 2018 - Whole School Welly Walk in celebration of National Walking Month

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