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Bishop MonktonC of E Primary School

Green Bugs

Mar 2020 - Green Bugs showing off the free sports kits that we received from Aldi,after collecting over 600 'Kits for Schools vouchers'


Green bugs 2020

Green Bugs Spring term 2019
Green bugs have been monitoring the woodland area for wildlife, using a motion sensor camera that we won in the Canal and River Trust competition last year. Firstly we made a hedgehog feeding station then we set up the camera and waited!
We collected the information then gave an assembly on the wildlife that is in our school grounds.
Looking at the footage from the camera was very exciting and it was great fun finding what animals and birds visit the woodland area.
Hopefully our next plan is to capture wildlife at different times of year and maybe see if we could get footage of nesting birds.

We have Hedgehogs and other wildlife!

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Green Bugs 2018

Autumn Term 2017

Green Bugs are going to investigate how much paper we recycle and whether we could use the paper we recycle more efficiently.

This week some of us spent part of the afternoon planting some flowers by the buddy bench and tidying litter from the front playground.


Green Bugs 2016-2017

Having achieved the Eco School Bronze award status last year, this year’s motivated Green Bugs team are looking at ways which as a school community we can reduce our energy usage. The team leaders have done an evaluation on the school and we are putting together an action plan, these actions could be litter picking around school, planting new trees, feeding the birds and holding assemblies. We are appointing monitors who will be checking regularly that the lights and computers are switched off when not in use and that we are not wasting water by leaving taps running.

New playground toys

On behalf of all the children at Bishop Monkton, Green bugs would like to thank Friends of School for buying new playtime toys. We have been sorting them out and now have, not only lots of new colourful toys for the playground, but a boxful of exciting things to play with in the summer when we are out on the field.



Last year the Green bugs team worked towards getting an Eco school award. This meant that we had to do an evaluation of the school, looking at the nine different eco school topics which are: Waste, Energy, Water, Litter, School grounds, healthy eating, Global citizenship, Living things and Transport.

From the evaluation we made a school action plan of activities which will help our school community think about environmental issues.

We are really excited to announce that we have achieved the bronze award.
