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Bishop MonktonC of E Primary School

Climate Change

We are learning how everyone can help to protect our beautiful planet. On this page, we shall share our plans and activities. Our planet needs us, 'Right here, right now!' (Greta Thunberg)

July: In collective worship today, our Eco Action Squad helped us revisit climate change. We used our value of ‘ positivity’ to help us think through how our actions could slow climate change. The year 4&5s wrote pledges which we shall display in the hall.

We had a visit from Powerdown Pete. He helped us think about the energy saving lessons the Home Front in WW2 could teach us.

Sometimes powerful messages can be presented and hopefully absorbed through stories.

14/10/22 Herons visited the incredible site of Allerton Park Waste Recovery. We couldn’t take photos on the tour and it is a good job ‘smellivision’ hasn’t been invented! The children could see first hand, what happens to our ‘rubbish’ when it magically disappears from our bins. We will share our discoveries with the whole school next week.

Rubbish isn't rubbish! On Monday 14th November, we shall be visiting Allerton Park Waste Recovery Centre. Please be in school promptly in order for the coach to depart at 9:10 at the latest. All children and adults are to wear long trousers, non-flimsy shoes and have a warm coat. We shall be back in school for lunch.


Bishop Monkton Primary School has been focusing on our planet and the choices that we can make to support it. The purpose of the visit is to gain a greater understanding of the process of waste sorting and energy recovery.


We will spend time considering the types of waste we produce and how to dispose of it. We shall all be encouraged to consider our choices. The centre staff will explain the teams and technologies in place at the Recovery Centre - how it is sorted and recycled rather than being sent to landfill. Then we will put on a hi-vis jacket and tour the mechanical treatment hall with it's conveyor belts. Next, we shall visit the control room for the 'energy from watse' facility and here we shall see the giant waste bunkers and the giant grabbers.


Heron's will have the privilege of sharing their trip with the rest of the school through our Thursday morning assembly. No photographs will be taken on this visit.

21/10/22 Today Heron’s led an assembly about our changing climate and what we could each do to help our planet. The parents were quizzed to ask what they might do!
